Harassment & Bullying Policy
Details for 3rd Parties
We are committed to providing a work environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate bullying or harassment by our own staff, or by anyone working for us or in our work environment.
This Policy applies to everyone who works for us, or in our work environment, including employees, workers, agency workers, consultants, casual workers, volunteers and interns.
Bullying could involve a pattern of behaviour or a one-off incident. It could happen face-to-face, online, by phone or in writing. It can be verbal and non-verbal. It is not always obvious to others.
When bullying or unwanted behaviour is about certain protected characteristics under discrimination law, then we refer to it as ‘harassment’. The protected characteristics which apply are:
a. Sex
b. Sexual orientation
c. Race
d. Religion or belief
e. Gender reassignment
f. Age
g. Disability
We define harassment as behaviour that creates a hostile, humiliating, degrading or similarly offensive environment in relation to a protected characteristic. Name-calling, lewd comments, excluding colleagues, making insensitive jokes and displaying pornographic material are all examples of harassment.
Even if you did not intend to harass someone, if your behaviour has this effect on someone else, then you may be found to have harassed them. They may only be a bystander to behaviour you directed at someone else, but they may still have been harassed.
If you wish to view the full Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying Policy and Procedures, please ask us for a copy.
Glenn Evans, Company Director
Snowdonia Hospitality & Leisure Ltd